Don’t Miss This Explosive REITs Trade Setting Up Right Now

Don’t Miss This Explosive REITs Trade Setting Up Right Now

It's time to get excited about REITs again.

It's not the talk of the town yet. But pretty soon, you'll be hearing about the magic of Real Estate Investment Trusts REITs.

Of course, when your Uber driver talks about it, it'll be time to sell.

Smart punters will spot this trade coming and position early. They'll have made the trade and will step out of that Uber ride with a smug, self-congratulatory smile.

The REIT trade is coming. It's undeniable and unstoppable.

You see, it all comes down to basic math.

The market is expecting interest rates to start falling again this year. That means lower debt cost and lower comparative investment yields. That's a double whammy that could get REITs soaring again.

But the path of interest rates is never guaranteed.

World events could throw us curveballs. Inflation, unemployment and geopolitics leave their dirty fingerprints over these decisions.

We'll examine exactly why this trade could play out and some ways that savvy traders might play it. But first, you might be wondering what the hell REITs are and what interest rates have to do with anything.

So, let's address that first.

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